Making poker hands 100-set in Java GUI

Swing을 이용하여 랜덤한 포커패 100세트를 생성하는 프로그램 만들어보기

코드 소개

  • Swing을 이용하여 GUI 화면에 버튼 배열을 만들고, 그 버튼을 이미지로 채운 뒤, 버튼의 역할(클릭할 때 패를 뒤집는 기능)을 구현한 프로그램이다.
  • 각 세트별로 카드르 모두 뒤집으면 스코어보드에 패의 결과(족보)가 기록된다.

프로그램 미리보기

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 * Created on Dec 18, 2017
 * @author msJo --, Dept of CES
 * Copy Right -- Free for Educational Purpose
package guiPokerGame;

import java.awt.EventQueue;
import javax.swing.UIManager;

public class GUIPokerGrameMain {
     * Launch the application.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                    GUIPokerGameFrame frame = new GUIPokerGameFrame();
                } catch (Exception e) {

 * Created on Dec 18, 2017
 * @author msJo --, Dept of CES
 * Copy Right -- Free for Educational Purpose
package guiPokerGame;

import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;

import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder
import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel;

public class GUIPokerGameFrame extends JFrame {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static final int FIVE = 5;
    private static final int SUFFLECOUNT = 30;
    private static final int GENCOUNT = 100;
    private static Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    private static final int myCardPanel_WIDTH = FIVE * 80;
    private static final int myCardPanel_HEIGHT = 130;
    private static final int controlBtnPanel_Width = 60;
    private static final int controlBtnPanel_HEIGHT = myCardPanel_HEIGHT;
    private static final int scoreTablePanel_HEIGHT = 100;
    private static final int SCREEN_WIDTH = myCardPanel_WIDTH + controlBtnPanel_Width;
    private static final int SCREEN_HEIGHT = myCardPanel_HEIGHT + scoreTablePanel_HEIGHT;
    private static final String cardImageFilePath = "/cardimages/";
    private static final String cardImageSize = "_70x98";
    String[] header = {"Set", /*"", "", "", "", "",*/ "Family Tree"};
    DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(null, header);
    private Random rand = new Random();
    private int randomNumber = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 2;
    private JPanel contentPane;
    private JPanel[] myCardPanel = new JPanel [GENCOUNT];
    private JPanel curCardPanel;
    private JPanel controlBtnPanel;
    private JPanel scoreTablePanel;
    private JButton[][] btnCards = new JButton [GENCOUNT][FIVE];
    private JComboBox cmbbxCardSets;
    private JTable scoreTable;
    private JScrollPane scrollPane;
    GUIPokerGameFrame thisClass = this;
    ArrayList<FiveCards> fcs = generate5CardList(GENCOUNT);

     * Create the frame.
    public GUIPokerGameFrame() {
    void initialize() {
        setTitle("GUI Poker Game");
        setLocation((screenSize.width - SCREEN_WIDTH) / 2, (screenSize.height - SCREEN_HEIGHT) / 2);
        contentPane = new JPanel();
        contentPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, 0));
        contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0));

        for(int i = 0; i < GENCOUNT; i++) {
            myCardPanel[i] = new JPanel();
            myCardPanel[i].setLayout(new GridLayout(1, FIVE, 0, 0));
            myCardPanel[i].setPreferredSize(new Dimension(myCardPanel_WIDTH, myCardPanel_HEIGHT));
        curCardPanel = myCardPanel[0];
        contentPane.add(curCardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        controlBtnPanel = new JPanel();
        controlBtnPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0));
        controlBtnPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(controlBtnPanel_Width, controlBtnPanel_HEIGHT));
        contentPane.add(controlBtnPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);

        boolean[][] isOneCardOpen = new boolean [GENCOUNT][FIVE];
        for(int i = 0; i < GENCOUNT; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < FIVE; j++) {
                isOneCardOpen[i][j] = false;

        boolean[] isFiveCardsOpen = new boolean [GENCOUNT];
        for(int i = 0; i < GENCOUNT; i++) {
            isFiveCardsOpen[i] = false;
        for(int i = 0; i < GENCOUNT; i++) {
            for(int j = 0; j < FIVE; j++) {
                int p = i;
                int q = j;
                btnCards[i][j] = new JButton();
                btnCards[i][j].setIcon(new ImageIcon(GUIPokerGameFrame.class.getResource(
                        cardImageFilePath + getCardCoverImageFileName() + cardImageSize + ".png")));
                btnCards[i][j].addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
                    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                        btnCards[p][q].setIcon(new ImageIcon(GUIPokerGameFrame.class.getResource(
                                cardImageFilePath + getCardImageFileName(fcs.get(p).pelem[q]) + cardImageSize + ".png")));
                        isOneCardOpen[p][q] = true;
                        if(isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-5] && isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-4] && isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-3]
                                && isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-2] && isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-1]) {
                            isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-5] = false;
                            isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-4] = false;
                            isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-3] = false;
                            isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-2] = false;
                            isOneCardOpen[p][FIVE-1] = false;
                            isFiveCardsOpen[p] = true;
                        if(isFiveCardsOpen[p]) {
                                    "About", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
                            model.addRow(new Object[]{Integer.toString(p+1), fcs.get(p).distinctionFamilyTree()});
                            isFiveCardsOpen[p] = false;

        String[] cardSets = new String [GENCOUNT];
        for(int i = 0; i < GENCOUNT; i++) {
            cardSets[i] = ("" + (i + 1));
        cmbbxCardSets = new JComboBox(cardSets);
        cmbbxCardSets.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                curCardPanel = myCardPanel[Integer.parseInt(cmbbxCardSets.getSelectedItem().toString()) - 1];
                contentPane.add(curCardPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        controlBtnPanel.add(cmbbxCardSets, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        scoreTablePanel = new JPanel();
        scoreTablePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0, 0));
        scoreTablePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, scoreTablePanel_HEIGHT));
        contentPane.add(scoreTablePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
        scoreTablePanel.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        scoreTable = new JTable(model);
    void sortTest5Cards() {
        System.out.println("Sort each 5 Cards -- in the order of Poker game");

    void pokerOrder5Card(ArrayList<FiveCards> L) {
        FiveCards[] tmp = new FiveCards [L.size()];
        int i = 0;

        for(FiveCards iter : L) { // copy from L to tmp
            tmp[i++] = iter;

        Card tmpCard = new Card();
        for(int j = 0; j < L.size(); j++) {
            for(int a = 0; a < FIVE; a++) {
                for(int b = a + 1; b < FIVE; b++) {
                    if((tmp[j].pelem[a].getRank() > tmp[j].pelem[b].getRank())
                            || ((tmp[j].pelem[a].getRank() == tmp[j].pelem[b].getRank())
                                    && (tmp[j].pelem[a].getSuit() > tmp[j].pelem[b].getSuit()))) { // Compare(poker order) and Swap
                        tmpCard = tmp[j].pelem[a];
                        tmp[j].pelem[a] = tmp[j].pelem[b];
                        tmp[j].pelem[b] = tmpCard;

        Card tmpCard2 = new Card();
        for(int m = 0; m < L.size(); m++) {
            if((tmp[m].distinctionRSFMT() == "Royal Straight Flush")
                    || (tmp[m].distinctionRSFMT() == "Mountain")) {
                tmpCard2 = tmp[m].pelem[0];
                tmp[m].pelem[0] = tmp[m].pelem[1];
                tmp[m].pelem[1] = tmp[m].pelem[2];
                tmp[m].pelem[2] = tmp[m].pelem[3];
                tmp[m].pelem[3] = tmp[m].pelem[4];
                tmp[m].pelem[4] = tmpCard2;

        for(int j = 0; j < L.size(); j++)
        { // adjust L, copy from Dictionary ordered tmp to L
            L.set(j, tmp[j]);
    void pokerOrder5CardSets(ArrayList<FiveCards> L) {
        FiveCards[] tmp = new FiveCards [L.size()];
        int i = 0;

        for(FiveCards iter : L) { // copy from L to tmp
            tmp[i++] = iter;

        FiveCards tmpCard = new FiveCards();
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++)
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++)
                if(tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() < tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue())
                { // Compare(poker order) and Swap
                    tmpCard = tmp[a];
                    tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                    tmp[b] = tmpCard;

        FiveCards tmpFiveCards = new FiveCards();
        /* Royal Straight Flush가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Royal Straight Flush >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.RSF)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.RSF)) { // Suit compare and Swap
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[0].getSuit() < tmp[b].pelem[0].getSuit()) { // Suit compare and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* Back Straight Flush가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Back Straight Flush >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.BSF)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.BSF)) { // Suit compare and Swap
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[0].getSuit() < tmp[b].pelem[0].getSuit()) {
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* Straight Flush가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Straight Flush >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.SF)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.SF)) { // Suit compare and Swap
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[4].cardcmp(tmp[b].pelem[4]) < 0) {
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        Card tmpSameCard1; // 5card set의 비교(left, right중 left), 같은 카드의 정보를 저장할 변수
        Card tmpSameCard2; // 5card set의 비교(left, right중 right), 같은 카드의 정보를 저장할 변수
        Card tmpRestCard1; // 5card set의 비교(left, right중 left), 같지 않은 나머지 카드의 정보를 저장할 변수
        Card tmpRestCard2; // 5card set의 비교(left, right중 right), 같지 않은 나머지 카드의 정보를 저장할 변수

        /* Four Card가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Four Card >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.FC)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.FC)) {
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[0].getRank() == tmp[a].pelem[3].getRank()) {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[3];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                    else {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[0];

                    if(tmp[b].pelem[0].getRank() == tmp[b].pelem[3].getRank()) {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[3];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                    else {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[0];

                    if(tmpSameCard1.cardcmp(tmpSameCard2) < 0) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;
                    else if(tmpSameCard1.getRank() == tmpSameCard2.getRank()) {
                        if(tmpRestCard1.cardcmp(tmpRestCard2) < 0) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                            tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                            tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                            tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        Card tmpFirstSameCard1; // 5card set의 비교(left, right중 left), 3장의 같은 카드의 정보를 저장할 변수
        Card tmpFirstSameCard2; // 5card set의 비교(left, right중 left), 2장의 같은 카드의 정보를 저장할 변수
        Card tmpSecondSameCard1; // 5card set의 비교(left, right중 right), 3장의 같은 카드의 정보를 저장할 변수
        Card tmpSecondSameCard2; // 5card set의 비교(left, right중 right), 2장의 같은 카드의 정보를 저장할 변수

        /* Full House가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Full House >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.FH)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.FH)) {
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[0] == tmp[a].pelem[2]) {
                        tmpFirstSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[2];
                        tmpFirstSameCard2 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                    else {
                        tmpFirstSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                        tmpFirstSameCard2 = tmp[a].pelem[1];

                    if(tmp[b].pelem[0] == tmp[b].pelem[2]) {
                        tmpSecondSameCard1 = tmp[b].pelem[2];
                        tmpSecondSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                    else {
                        tmpSecondSameCard1 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                        tmpSecondSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[1];

                    if(tmpFirstSameCard1.cardcmp(tmpSecondSameCard1) < 0) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;
                    else if(tmpFirstSameCard1.getRank() == tmpSecondSameCard1.getRank()) {
                        if(tmpFirstSameCard2.cardcmp(tmpSecondSameCard2) < 0)
                        { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                            tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                            tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                            tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* Flush가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Flush >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.F)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.F)) {
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[4].cardcmp(tmp[b].pelem[4]) < 0) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* Mountain가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Mountain >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.M)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.M)) {
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[4].getSuit() < tmp[b].pelem[4].getSuit()) { // Suit compare and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* Back Straight가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of BackStraight >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.BS)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.BS)) {
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[0].getSuit() < tmp[b].pelem[0].getSuit()) { // Suit compare and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* Straight가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Straight >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.S)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.S)) {
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[4].cardcmp(tmp[b].pelem[4]) < 0) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* Triple가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Triple >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.T)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.T)) { // Suit compare and Swap
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[0] == tmp[a].pelem[2]) {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[2];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                    else if(tmp[a].pelem[1] == tmp[a].pelem[3]) {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[3];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                    else {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[1];

                    if(tmp[b].pelem[0] == tmp[b].pelem[2]) {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[2];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                    else if(tmp[b].pelem[1] == tmp[b].pelem[3]) {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[3];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                    else {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[1];

                    if(tmpSameCard1.getRank() < tmpSameCard2.getRank()) { // Rank compare, and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;
                    else if(tmpSameCard1.getRank() == tmpSameCard2.getRank()) {
                        if(tmpRestCard1.cardcmp(tmpRestCard2) < 0) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                            tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                            tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                            tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* Two Pair가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of Two Pair >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.TP)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.TP)) { // Suit compare and Swap
                    if((tmp[a].pelem[0] == tmp[a].pelem[1]) && (tmp[a].pelem[2] == tmp[a].pelem[3])) {
                        tmpFirstSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[1];
                        tmpFirstSameCard2 = tmp[a].pelem[3];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                    else if((tmp[a].pelem[1] == tmp[a].pelem[2]) && (tmp[a].pelem[3] == tmp[a].pelem[4])) {
                        tmpFirstSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[2];
                        tmpFirstSameCard2 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[0];
                    else {
                        tmpFirstSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[1];
                        tmpFirstSameCard2 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[2];

                    if((tmp[b].pelem[0] == tmp[b].pelem[1]) && (tmp[b].pelem[2] == tmp[b].pelem[3])) {
                        tmpSecondSameCard1 = tmp[b].pelem[1];
                        tmpSecondSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[3];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                    else if((tmp[b].pelem[1] == tmp[b].pelem[2]) && (tmp[b].pelem[3] == tmp[b].pelem[4])) {
                        tmpSecondSameCard1 = tmp[b].pelem[2];
                        tmpSecondSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[0];
                    else {
                        tmpSecondSameCard1 = tmp[b].pelem[1];
                        tmpSecondSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[2];

                    if(tmpFirstSameCard2.getRank() < tmpSecondSameCard2.getRank()) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;
                    else if(tmpFirstSameCard2.getRank() == tmpSecondSameCard2.getRank()) {
                        if(tmpFirstSameCard1.getRank() != tmpSecondSameCard1.getRank()) {
                            if(tmpFirstSameCard1.getRank() < tmpSecondSameCard1.getRank()) { // Rank compare, and Swap
                                tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                                tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                                tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;
                        else {
                            if(tmpRestCard1.cardcmp(tmpRestCard2) < 0) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                                tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                                tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                                tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* One Pair가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of One Pair >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.OP)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.OP)) { // Suit compare and Swap
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[0] == tmp[a].pelem[1]) {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[1];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                    else if(tmp[a].pelem[1] == tmp[a].pelem[2]) {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[2];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                    else if(tmp[a].pelem[2] == tmp[a].pelem[3]) {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[3];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                    else {
                        tmpSameCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard1 = tmp[a].pelem[2];

                    if(tmp[b].pelem[0] == tmp[b].pelem[1]) {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[1];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                    else if(tmp[b].pelem[1] == tmp[b].pelem[2]) {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[2];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                    else if(tmp[b].pelem[2] == tmp[b].pelem[3]) {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[3];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                    else {
                        tmpSameCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[4];
                        tmpRestCard2 = tmp[b].pelem[2];

                    if(tmpSameCard1.getRank() < tmpSameCard2.getRank()) { // Rank compare, and Swap
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;
                    else if(tmpSameCard1.getRank() == tmpSameCard2.getRank()) {
                        if(tmpRestCard1.cardcmp(tmpRestCard2) < 0) { // Suit and Rank compare, and Swap
                            tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                            tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                            tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        /* No Pair가 100개의 5Card set중 2개 이상 나왔을 때, 그들을 정렬하는 방법 */
        for(int a = 0; a < L.size(); a++) { // if the number of No Pair >= 2
            for(int b = a + 1; b < L.size(); b++) {
                if((tmp[a].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.NP)
                        && (tmp[b].getFamilyTreeValue() == FAMILYTREE.NP)) { // 기본 문제의 정렬 방법과 같음 -- 교수님께 메일로 질문 했었습니다.
                    if(tmp[a].pelem[0].over(tmp[b].pelem[0])) {
                        tmpFiveCards = tmp[a];
                        tmp[a] = tmp[b];
                        tmp[b] = tmpFiveCards;

        for(int j = 0; j < L.size(); j++)
        { // adjust L, copy from Dictionary ordered tmp to L
            L.set(j, tmp[j]);

    void suffle(ArrayList<Card> deck) {
        int oneOrzero = 0;
        int deckSize = deck.size();
        Card iter = deck.get(0);
        for(int i = 1; i <= SUFFLECOUNT * deckSize; i++) {
            oneOrzero = Math.abs(rand.nextInt()) % 2;
            if (oneOrzero == 0) { // move to back
                iter = deck.remove(deck.indexOf(iter));
            else {
                iter = deck.get(i % deckSize);
                if(iter == deck.get(deckSize-1)) {
                    iter = deck.get(0);
    ArrayList<Card> makeCardDeck() { // Make a Card Deck.
        ArrayList<Card> deck = new ArrayList<Card>();
        for(int s = SUIT.CLUB; s <= SUIT.SPADE; s++) {
            for(int r = PIP.ACE; r <= PIP.KING; r++) {
                deck.add(new Card(s, r));
        return deck;
    ArrayList<FiveCards> generate5CardList(int gencount) {
        // Generate List<FiveCards>
        ArrayList<FiveCards> p5CardsList = new ArrayList<FiveCards>();
        ArrayList<Card> deckCard = makeCardDeck();
        //int deckSize = deckCard.size();

        for(int i = 1, j = 1; i <= gencount; i++) {
            // Make a Card Deck
            Card iter = deckCard.get(0);
            FiveCards fc = new FiveCards();
            int ipos = 0;
            while(true) {
                if(ipos != 5) {
                    fc.pelem[ipos] = iter;
                    iter = deckCard.get(++j);
                else {
                    ipos = 0;
                    j = 0;
        return p5CardsList;

    void printFiveCardsArrayList(ArrayList<FiveCards> L) {
        for(int i = 0; i < L.size(); i++) {
            System.out.printf("%d    ", (i+1));
    void printFiveCardsListwithFamilyTree(ArrayList<FiveCards> L) {
        for(int i = 0; i < L.size(); i++) {
            System.out.printf("%d    ", (i+1));
            System.out.println(" ---- " + L.get(i).distinctionFamilyTree());
    final String getCardCoverImageFileName() {
        return "back_" + (randomNumber == 0 ? "black" : "color");

    final String getCardImageFileName(Card card) {
        return card.toString().substring(0, 1) + card.getRank();

package guiPokerGame;

public class SUIT {
    final static int CLUB = 1;
    final static int HEART = 2;
    final static int DIAMOND = 3;
    final static int SPADE = 4;
    int value;
    SUIT(int value) {
        this.value = value;

package guiPokerGame;

public class PIP {
    final static int ACE =  1;
    final static int JACK = 11;
    final static int QUEEN = 12;
    final static int KING = 13;
    int value;
    PIP(int value) {
        this.value = value;

 * Created on Dec 18, 2017
 * @author msJo --, Dept of CES
 * Copy Right -- Free for Educational Purpose
package guiPokerGame;

public class Card {    
    private int suit;
    private int rank;
    public Card() { // default constructor
        suit = SUIT.SPADE;
        rank = PIP.ACE;
    public Card(int s, int r) { // constructor
        suit = s;
        rank = r;
    public final String toString() {
        String image = null;
        switch (suit) {
        case SUIT.CLUB:        image = "CL "; break;
        case SUIT.DIAMOND:    image = "DI "; break;
        case SUIT.HEART:    image = "HE "; break;
        case SUIT.SPADE:    image = "SP "; break;
        switch (rank) {
        case PIP.ACE:    image += "A "; break;
        case PIP.JACK:    image += "J "; break;
        case PIP.QUEEN:    image += "Q "; break;
        case PIP.KING:    image += "K "; break;
        case 10:        image += "10"; break;
        default:        image += (char)('0'+rank) + " ";
        return image;
    final int compare(final Card right) {
        int lrank, rrank; 

        lrank = this.rank;
        rrank = right.rank;

        int diff = lrank - rrank;
        return diff;

    final int cardcmp(final Card right)
        if(this.getRank() > right.getRank())
            return 1;
        else if(this.getRank() < right.getRank())
            return -1;
            if(this.getSuit() > right.getSuit())
                return 1;
            else if(this.getSuit() < right.getSuit())
                return -1;
                return 0;

    final Card getHighValue() { // New
        return (new Card(1,15));
    int getRank() {
        return rank;

    int getSuit() {
        return suit;

    boolean under(final Card right) {
        return < 0;
    boolean orUnder(final Card right) {
        return <= 0;
    boolean equal(final Card right) {
        return == 0;
    boolean unequal(final Card right) {
        return != 0;
    boolean over(final Card right) {
        return > 0;
    boolean orOver(final Card right) {
        return >= 0;

 * Created on Dec 18, 2017
 * @author msJo --, Dept of CES
 * Copy Right -- Free for Educational Purpose
package guiPokerGame;

public class FiveCards {
    private static final int FIVE = 5;
    Card FIVEHIGHCARD[] = { new Card(1,15), new Card(1,15), new Card(1,15), new Card(1,15), new Card(1,15) };

    public FiveCards() {
        pelem = new Card [FIVE];

    public FiveCards(final FiveCards right) {
        pelem = new Card [FIVE];
        for(int i = 0; i < FIVE; ++i) {
            pelem[i] = right.pelem[i];

    public final int compare(final FiveCards right) {
        return pelem[0].compare(right.pelem[0]);

    public final String toString() {
        String result = "[";
        for(int i = 0; i < FIVE; ++i) {
            if(i != 0) {
                result += ", ";
            result += pelem[i].toString();
        result += "]";
        return result;

    public final String distinctionRSFMT() {
        String familyTree = "";
        if(((pelem[0].getRank() == PIP.ACE) && (pelem[0].getSuit() == pelem[1].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[1].getRank() == 10) && (pelem[1].getSuit() == pelem[2].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[2].getRank() == PIP.JACK) && (pelem[2].getSuit() == pelem[3].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[3].getRank() == PIP.QUEEN) && (pelem[3].getSuit() == pelem[4].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[4].getRank() == PIP.KING) && (pelem[4].getSuit() == pelem[0].getSuit()))) {
            familyTree = "Royal Straight Flush";
        else if(((pelem[0].getRank() == PIP.ACE))
                && ((pelem[1].getRank() == 10))
                && ((pelem[2].getRank() == PIP.JACK))
                && ((pelem[3].getRank() == PIP.QUEEN))
                && ((pelem[4].getRank() == PIP.KING))) {
            familyTree = "Mountain";
        return familyTree;

    public final String distinctionFamilyTree() {
        String familyTree = "";

        if(((pelem[0].getRank() == 10) && (pelem[0].getSuit() == pelem[1].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[1].getRank() == PIP.JACK) && (pelem[1].getSuit() == pelem[2].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[2].getRank() == PIP.QUEEN) && (pelem[2].getSuit() == pelem[3].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[3].getRank() == PIP.KING) && (pelem[3].getSuit() == pelem[4].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[4].getRank() == PIP.ACE) && (pelem[4].getSuit() == pelem[0].getSuit()))) {
            familyTree = "Royal Straight Flush";
        else if(((pelem[0].getRank() == PIP.ACE) && (pelem[0].getSuit() == pelem[1].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[1].getRank() == 2) && (pelem[1].getSuit() == pelem[2].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[2].getRank() == 3) && (pelem[2].getSuit() == pelem[3].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[3].getRank() == 4) && (pelem[3].getSuit() == pelem[4].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[4].getRank() == 5) && (pelem[4].getSuit() == pelem[0].getSuit()))) {
            familyTree = "Back Straight Flush";
        else if(((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[1].getRank() - 1) && (pelem[0].getSuit() == pelem[1].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[1].getRank() == pelem[2].getRank() - 1) && (pelem[1].getSuit() == pelem[2].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[2].getRank() == pelem[3].getRank() - 1) && (pelem[2].getSuit() == pelem[3].getSuit()))
                && ((pelem[3].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank() - 1) && (pelem[3].getSuit() == pelem[4].getSuit()))) {
            familyTree = "Straight Flush";
        else if((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[3].getRank()) || (pelem[1].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank())) {
            familyTree = "Four Card";
        else if(((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[1].getRank()) && (pelem[2].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank()))
                || ((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[2].getRank()) && (pelem[3].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank()))) {
            familyTree = "Full House";
        else if((pelem[0].getSuit() == pelem[1].getSuit())
                && (pelem[1].getSuit() == pelem[2].getSuit())
                && (pelem[2].getSuit() == pelem[3].getSuit())
                && (pelem[3].getSuit() == pelem[4].getSuit())) {
            familyTree = "Flush";
        else if(((pelem[0].getRank() == 10))
                && ((pelem[1].getRank() == PIP.JACK))
                && ((pelem[2].getRank() == PIP.QUEEN))
                && ((pelem[3].getRank() == PIP.KING))
                && ((pelem[4].getRank() == PIP.ACE))) {
            familyTree = "Mountain";
        else if(((pelem[0].getRank() == PIP.ACE))
                && ((pelem[1].getRank() == 2))
                && ((pelem[2].getRank() == 3))
                && ((pelem[3].getRank() == 4))
                && ((pelem[4].getRank() == 5))) {
            familyTree = "Back Straight";
        else if(((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[1].getRank() - 1))
                && ((pelem[1].getRank() == pelem[2].getRank() - 1))
                && ((pelem[2].getRank() == pelem[3].getRank() - 1))
                && ((pelem[3].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank() - 1))) {
            familyTree = "Straight";
        else if((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[2].getRank())
                || (pelem[1].getRank() == pelem[3].getRank())
                || (pelem[2].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank())) {
            familyTree = "Triple";
        else if(((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[1].getRank()) && (pelem[2].getRank() == pelem[3].getRank()))
                || ((pelem[1].getRank() == pelem[2].getRank()) && (pelem[3].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank()))
                || ((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[1].getRank()) && (pelem[3].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank()))) {
            familyTree = "Two Pair";
        else if((pelem[0].getRank() == pelem[1].getRank())
                || (pelem[1].getRank() == pelem[2].getRank())
                || (pelem[2].getRank() == pelem[3].getRank())
                || (pelem[3].getRank() == pelem[4].getRank())) {
            familyTree = "One Pair";
        else {
            familyTree = "No Pair";

        return familyTree;

    public FiveCards getHighValue() {
        FiveCards p5Cards = new FiveCards();
        p5Cards.pelem = FIVEHIGHCARD;
        return p5Cards;

    public int getFamilyTreeValue() {
        if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Royal Straight Flush")
            return FAMILYTREE.RSF;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Back Straight Flush")
            return FAMILYTREE.BSF;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Straight Flush")
            return FAMILYTREE.SF;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Four Card")
            return FAMILYTREE.FC;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Full House")
            return FAMILYTREE.FH;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Flush")
            return FAMILYTREE.F;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Mountain")
            return FAMILYTREE.M;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Back Straight")
            return FAMILYTREE.BS;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Straight")
            return FAMILYTREE.S;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Triple")
            return FAMILYTREE.T;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "Two Pair")
            return FAMILYTREE.TP;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "One Pair")
            return FAMILYTREE.OP;
        else if(distinctionFamilyTree() == "No Pair")
            return FAMILYTREE.NP;
            return 0;

    public int fcscmp(final FiveCards left, final FiveCards right) {
        // this function is similar to STL-cstring's strcmp(in C++)
        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        while(i != FIVE - 1)
            if((left.pelem[i].getRank() != right.pelem[j].getRank())
                    || ((left.pelem[i].getRank() == right.pelem[j].getRank())
                            && (left.pelem[i].getSuit() != right.pelem[j].getSuit()))) {

        if(left.pelem[i].getRank() > right.pelem[j].getRank())
            return 1;
        else if(left.pelem[i].getRank() < right.pelem[j].getRank())
            return -1;
            if(left.pelem[i].getSuit() > right.pelem[j].getSuit())
                return 1;
            else if(left.pelem[i].getSuit() < right.pelem[j].getSuit())
                return -1;
                return 0;

    public void assign(final FiveCards right) {
        if(this != right) {
            pelem = new Card [FIVE];
            for(int i = 0; i < FIVE; ++i)
                pelem[i] = right.pelem[i];
    boolean under(final FiveCards left, final FiveCards right) {
        return < 0;
    boolean equal(final FiveCards left, final FiveCards right) {
        return == 0;
    boolean over(final FiveCards left, final FiveCards right) {
        return > 0;

    public Card[] pelem;

 * Created on Dec 18, 2017
 * @author msJo --, Dept of CES
 * Copy Right -- Free for Educational Purpose
package guiPokerGame;

public class FAMILYTREE {
	final static int NP  =  1;
	final static int OP  =  2;
	final static int TP  =  3;
	final static int T   =  4;
	final static int S   =  5;
	final static int BS  =  6;
	final static int M   =  7;
	final static int F   =  8;
	final static int FH  =  9;
	final static int FC  = 10;
	final static int SF  = 11;
	final static int BSF = 12;
	final static int RSF = 13;
	int value;
	FAMILYTREE(int value) {
		this.value = value;


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